Ready to discover how ATTRACT will improve your next direct mail campaign?
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The simplest, most cost effective way to acquire new business and promote your brand to every door in a targeted area.

Watch the video below to learn more.

Download the ATTRACT Overview & Pricing Sheet Download the ATTRACT Overview & Pricing Sheet

Simple & Effective Direct Mail Marketing

ATTRACT has been developed to support individuals who are looking to grow their business in a specific geographic location(s) without the need for addresses or names.

With this solution, our team will print and send your oversized mail piece to every door in your selected carrier routes – no client data needed. This is the most cost effective way to elevate your brand and promote your business to targeted communities.

Aradius Group logo

Keep Your Brand “Top of Mind”

A proven way to increase brand awareness and grow your customer base.



Select Your Targeted Locations

Whether you’re marketing in the community around your business or to a specific demographic, we can mail to as many locations, or carrier routes, as you need with no client data needed.


Create Your Marketing Piece

Choose from one of our ATTRACT InDesign Templates and your team can design your marketing piece to fit. If you need our team to provide the creative, let us know! We will work with you to make your message come to life.



Use our EDDM Mapping Tool to Define Your Reach

We recommend saturating the community around your target location(s) in a radius of 0.5 mile, 0.75 mile, or 1 mile. Check out our EDDM Mapping Tool to see how many pieces of mail you could get out to potential customers. The bigger the radius, the more homes that get your message.



How many different locations can I send my mail piece to?

There is no limit to how many locations you can target with ATTRACT.

Where can I get details on pricing?

Download our ATTRACT Overview & Pricing Sheet, located on this page or our Resources page. After that, you’ll want to meet with a member of our team to discuss how this strategy can pair with your business’s marketing initiatives.

How do I measure my results from ATTRACT?

Coupon codes, website landing pages, QR codes, phone numbers, and more can be used to track how many customers are coming to your business because of your mail drop. Talk to our team to learn about more options to measure your results.

How often should I send a marketing mail piece to the same target location (or carrier route)?

To get the best results, we have found that three drops will provide your business with the maximum response rate.

Blogs about ATTRACT

What is EDDM?

Are you looking for a way to simplify your direct mail campaigns? EDDM may be the answer you’re looking for! Read on to learn how it could help you.

Learn about easy mailing services for your company

Are you looking for an easy way to get the word out about your company or product? Keep reading to see what easy mailing services may work!

Everything you need to know about EDDM sizes

Do the EDDM requirements have you a bit lost? Let this blog post simplify the USPS requirements so you can start your next EDDM campaign.

Why you should be using Every Door Direct Mail

Is your company looking for an easier way to handle direct mail campaigns? EDDM may be the answer you’re looking for! Read to see how it could benefit you.


From competitive estimates to demanding delivery schedules; I get what I need, when I need it.

Jennifer M., Art Director, International Manufacturing Company