a complete analysis of your mail

Free Postage Audit

Did you know that postage costs alone can account for over 50% of your total marketing budget? Our team is ready to take a look at your current mailing specs and uncover simple ways to help you cut down on your postage spend, allowing you to reach more people for less.
Start Your Free Audit Now
Someone auditing

Think you’re spending too much money on postage?

We know how challenging it can be to learn all of the ins and outs of the post office. With all of the updates, categories and terms, it’s difficult to understand and even harder to keep track of…

Let us take that pressure off of your shoulders.

Our mailing team is well versed in postal regulations and works everyday to find efficiencies in the system that saves our customers thousands on postage. If you’d like for us to dig into your data, we’re happy to take a look at one of your projects and make some recommendations on any areas that could lower your current postage spend.

Start Your Free Audit Now

What We Look At

  • Mock up audit report for AG

    What’s in it for you?

    Once we have received your mail project info, our team will take 3-5 business days to analyze your data. We will then create a report for you based on our findings so that you can stop spending more than you should to get your marketing message in homes.

    We want you to know that we take your the security of your data very seriously. As a SOC2 provider, any mailing data and info that you share with us will be used solely for the purpose of this audit.

Ready to Save?

Get Started With Your Free Postage Audit Today!